Monday, March 12, 2012

Family History and VISA

This week we travel to Kiev, Ukraine to get a new Kazakh visa. We hope to be able to attend the temple while there and maybe see a few sites. They think we will be there a week so we'll attend church there also. We're excited for a new adventure.

Last Saturday we held the first ever Family History activity for our little group. I had assigned one of our new members, Anna (baptized 2.5 months ago), to learn as much as she could given the resources I gave her in Russian. She did a fantastic job!!! She spent the first half hour taking us through the scriptures about why we do FH and then everyone started to fill out a 4 generation chart as best they could. We had three non-members at the event and they enjoyed themselves. Viviane made goodies for the break and so did our new American family (Craig's) that also came to the event to support the group. Overall it was a big success for those who attended and everyone wants to get together again next Saturday at the same time and continue their search for their families.

Here are pictures from the event.

E. Starr, Galina, Anna, E. Dannenberg Galina, Tooligan, and Alina writing down names

S. Craig and Olivia filling out her sheet The ping pong table finally got some use.

The faith of these new members is a strength to us!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Brian and Viviane!
    Could not find your e-mail, so posting message here.
    I'm waiting any info from you about your impression of Ukraine.
    It was really nice to meet you in Astana.
    Have a nice time in Kyiv

    Best regards,
