Monday, June 25, 2012

Last Sunday Pot Luck

Each last Sunday of the month we have hosted a pot luck lunch after the meetings of the day. This has evolved over the time that we have been here. It started as juice and goodies and is now a full lunch. Today we had plov, pasta salad, ham, fruit, juice/water, and lots of desserts. The locals still do not quite understand the idea of a pot luck but some of the Americans have chipped in with food.The locals still primarily bring cookies and candy - of course the young missionaries love that.

Our replacement couple arrived Tuesday morning and so we have begun training them. We are taking it slow since we have a lot of time and we remember how rushed we felt when we arrived. They are a bit better off since they have come in the summer and they spent a week in Moscow recovering from jet lag. Much of their time has been spent trying to get comfortable in their apartment, getting the internet connection made, and finding their way around this part of the city. They went with us to 2 English classes at one of our NGOs and we are starting to introduce them to our partners.We went out to lunch together on Saturday and did some grocery shopping (we have now showed them our top 5 grocery places). They spoke in church on Sunday and did a good job. We think they will do very well here.

While walking around town with the Andersons, we saw some yurts being put up.
This shows the skeleton of a yurt.
This is what it looks like with its skin on. The covering is made from layers of hand woven felt.
We also found this very cool looking horse!!!

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