Sunday, June 3, 2012

International Children's Day

One of the fun things we get to do is attend some of the celebrations that our humanitarian partners hold for those they serve. The most recent celebration was for International Children's Day. The celebration we attended was held in the central park where there are amusement park type rides. The celebration started with a luncheon for families of handicapped children serviced by our partner - Children's Handicapped Society of Astana. There were about 40 families in attendance and they had already started when we arrived. We thought we would just stop by and say hello to folks and then go home. Turned out to be most of the day.

After we had eaten a bit of plov - a rice dish with meat - they asked us to say a few words to those in attendance. The trouble was we did not take our translator with us to the event (we like to be as self-sufficient as possible) so a couple of our English class ladies decided they would translate. I told them that I would say what I want in English and they can then say whatever they want in Russian. They assured me that they did a good translation. It is always a pleasure to testify to people that God knows and loves them whether rich or poor, Muslim or Christian. I have never found a group of folks that disagree with me.

After I spoke to them, they asked Viviane to sing a song. The lady in charge had heard Viviane sing at another event so she sang the Primary song "My Heavenly Father Loves Me" and its message was translated afterwards. Needless to say, she got a lot more applause that I.

Here is a picture of some of the folks ...
After Viviane's song, some of the children came forward and sang or quoted poetry ...

I then helped pass out cake while Viviane took care of little 4 month old Amir.
 A company donated free ride tickets for the families to enjoy the park and the rides and so we spent some time with our friends in conversation and on a few rides (me on the rides not Viviane).
Here are two sisters (Sandugash and Akbala) who work with the handicapped children and who rode the rides with me....
We have been helping a young woman with her preparations for university. She wants to attend the local English speaking university and so we have helped with her English by tutoring, testing, and using her as our translator. She passed her final test and is now waiting to see if she will be accepted at the university. If she is, her studies to get an engineering degree will be free! Her mother decided to thank us and another family (also members of the church) by having us for lunch and serving the traditional Kazakh national dish. I have mentioned it before - it is homemade noodles cooked in broth from the cooking of the onions and meat (in this instance it was horse meat) and then served with the onion, potatoes, and meat. Very tasty!! And you get to eat with your hands!!
 Jennifer, Saule, and Alina getting the noodles ready.
 The dessert 'table' a few hours after stuffing ourselves with noodles.
All the ladies posing together - with Aidar - Viviane, Jennifer, Olivia, Saule, Aidar, and Alina our student.

I found this quote and really liked it ....

Charles Malik, former president of the General Assembly of the United Nations. He said this:
"In this fearful age it is not enough to be happy and prosperous and secure yourselves; it is not enough to tell others: look at us, how happy we are; just copy our system, our know-how, and you will be happy yourselves. In this fearful age you must transcend your system; you must have a message to proclaim to others; you must mean something in terms of ideas and attitudes and fundamental outlook on life; and this something must vibrate with relevance to all conditions of men." (Successful Leadership, p. 5.)

I believe that the message that transcends all others is the message of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. That we are all children of God and if we are to have any semblance of peace in this life, both personal and globally, we need to embrace His message and invitation.

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