Tuesday, October 25, 2011


We opened our letter calling us as missionaries to Kazakhstan one year ago. We didn’t know the place, people, or culture … we have experienced a lot in the past year!!!

We were asked by our former Stake to create a short video for a missionary fireside that they are doing on Sunday. If you’re interested in seeing what we created it is here.

This past week was spent focusing on organizing the Twig (since we are not yet a Branch we call ourselves a Twig) so that the missionaries don’t have to do all of the shepherding. One of the most important qualities of a strong group in any organizational structure is unity; unity of purpose, direction, and, as much as possible, understanding. Certainly with our small group – we have 19 members in Astana – language and culture are significant challenges to achieving a useful level of unity. We have Kazakh, Russian, American, and missionary languages present. Don’t misunderstand me, we do not have disunity. We just are not at the understanding level of watching over and being watched over as the Church culture and priesthood covenants expect. So this is why we have been working on a structure for it this week.

Some reading this may say – Elder Maxwell, the Church has a structure for this already in place. Why are you creating something new? Those who know me will know that I have read the Handbook about the subject. Your assertion is true for a Ward and a Branch … but not for a Twig! So we plow ahead, digging furrows in new ground. Uncovering fertile soil, rocks, and detritus (I have to get a gardening analogy in here) open up opportunities to mix and match the various items (talents) to create a beautiful part of the Lord’s vineyard.

Eventually each will present their/our offering to the Lord and it will be acceptable because they/we will have given all that they/we have. The joy we feel in this is watching the garden begin to grow and some parts are even beginning to flourish.

We love this work!

BTW - I found some ham - my favorite meat. I didn't do the Dance of Joy .... but I came close!

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