Sunday, April 10, 2011

Skype us some wheelchairs

Our week starts with the Sabbath day. Viviane was still feeling poorly and decided to ask for a priesthood blessing after our meetings. During the meetings I had this on my mind and was blessed with a calm assurance that all would be well and a personal assurance, that I had been seeking, about my standing with God. I was touched very deeply by the love of my/our Savior. Viviane received a blessing that she would be healed based on her faith in Jesus Christ and her own worthiness. By the time we arrived back at our apartment she had been healed of her stomach problem. I testify that miracles still happen when we have faith in Him.

On the way home we met an old man at the bus stop. He spoke Russian and we spoke English, but we had a great conversation - although I really don't know how much he heard or saw us! He came up to us talking and then realizing we didn't understand, he added some pantomime. First to make sure we knew how old he was - 86, by holding up fingers and then writing the numbers on the ground - and that he had fought in WWII - by showing us his veterans card ( at least I assume that is what it was) and then by miming the Nazi salute and then pretending to shoot a rifle. It was so cute because he got so animated. When the next bus came he got on and was gone - of course I did not have my camera.

We had 2 major events this week ... no hot water for 2 days and a 2 hour Skype meeting with a wheelchair project expert. The impact of the lack of hot water you can easily understand - we never did find out why it was off but whenever the hot water is off for any length of time it is a beautiful, deep rust color when you turn it back on and doesn't clear up until you run it for about 30 minutes.

Our wheelchair meeting was very good and we are very grateful for the technology that allows us to hold meetings like this. We are trying to start of wheelchair project for handicapped children but it turns out that the Church program is for adult wheelchairs. We did get some assurances that they would look into and contact some vendors and agencies that do child wheelchairs (turns out the ones we need are called rehabilitation or supportive seating and not wheelchairs). We have a lot of children here that currently have no mobility and we would like to fix that.

BTW - We have talked to Neil and Machelle using Skype (bvmaxwe53) a few times and it has been wonderful. We use Oovoo with Mahana (bvmaxwe).

For Mom and Dad - It is interesting how some small things can trigger wonderful memories. People, places, and things can remind us of family, friends, and events. This week I was reminded of what a wonderful heritage I have been blessed with. Both Viviane and I have been blessed with the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ because our parents first accepted Him into their lives. The simple items that reminded me of my heritage are pictured below. One is a piece of bread with peanut butter and black currant jam. I don't remember which Grandparent introduced me to black currant jam ... but I love it today. The other picture is of some very good summer sausage and cheese that we have found (it may be a blessing that we can't read the ingredients!). I do remember eating the same kinds with my Dad for snacks or just as lunch. Viviane has had some of the same experience with foods here. Thanks Mom and Dad Maxwell and Mom and Dad Tchan for all you have done for us.

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