Sunday, March 20, 2011

The bitter with the sweet.

First the sweet of this past week. We were excited to meet a new person here in Astana who is interested in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She came to church with one of our members on Sunday and then also came for our first get together at our apartment. We plan to hold one of these each week so that we can socialize a bit more with people that we meet. This picture is of our get together that we call Family Home Evening (FHE). We encourage the whole family to come and enjoy a spiritual message, have a fun game, and refreshments. In the picture each is holding the family crest they created to describe their family to the rest of us. It consisted of the family name and a drawing and/or words to describe their family motto, their family characteristics, their family goals, and their family heritage. It was fun and very informative.

Our first visa for Kazakhstan was only good for one month during which time we had to get more paperwork done with more approvals to get an extended visa that would last for 6 months. The last item needed was a letter of invitation from the country for the new visa. You have to leave the country to get your new visa so we flew to Moscow on Thursday evening, the last day of our visa. Before we left I sent an email to the mission office in Moscow that we wanted to bring some supplies back with us so please have them ready for our flight back Friday evening. We found out while in Moscow that they thought we were crazy to think it would only take one day. Typically those waiting for their visa renewal are stuck in Moscow for a week to 10 days. We certainly did not want to waste our time waiting but wanted to get back to Kazakhstan ASAP - we have work to do!!! Another missionary couple graciously let us stay with them Thursday night and use their apartment during the day Friday. At noon we recieved a phone call informing us that it would take 7 -10 days because the person in Kazakhstan had not sent our letter of invitation to the Kazakh embassy in Moscow and Monday and Tuesday are Kazakh holidays (Kazakh New Years) and they are closed on Wednesdays.... I said to Viviane that we had better go get some rubles and buy food etc since it looks like we will be here in Moscow for a while. She reminded me that before we embarked on this mission we were given a blessing by our priesthood leader and that part of that blessing was that we "would spend more time working than waiting" and that the "bureaucracy would not get in our way". Her suggestion was that we have faith in that blessing and that God would open the way for us if we did our part. So we decided to not get money or food until after the embassy closed at 5 PM. At 4 PM we received another phone call from a flabbergasted missionary (the one who thought we were crazy to think we would be done in a day) that he didn't " know how it happened but the Kazakh embassy has your visa ready. I'll go get it now. Do you want to fly out tonight?" Of course!!! We fell on our knees and thanked God for His tender mercy and His blessing and we flew out that night and were home Saturday morning.

Sometimes we think God's miracles are not for us or it is only a miracle if it is spectacular. I testify that no miracle is small to those who experience them and recognize them. We need to train ourselves to recognize His hand in our lives and expect miracles.

And now the bitter ... I learned this week that a very good friend of ours has been diagnosed with an inoperable, malignant brain tumor. We are praying for a miracle for her and her family. I do know that God and our Savior, Jesus Christ have not left her alone. If it is Their will that she be healed, then she will be healed. I also know that death is a part of our experience here and that it is only the door (not a wall) that leads back to the Father of our spirits. Trials and tribulations, pains and sorrows, are difficult to see past while we are experiencing them but our Savior has said that they can be for our good and blessing if we will look to Him and call upon Him. (see Isaiah 53) I know that this is true because I have experienced it for myself.

Julie, our prayers are for you and your family and your friends. We love you!

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